Style and Fashion trends change faster than the Flyer's change goalies during the playoffs. While some stick and become relevant, many are here and gone before you even know it. While it's not necessary to follow these rapidly changing trends religiously, it's never a bad idea to try something different that strikes your interest, whether you see it in a movie, magazine or even something you see someone wearing out in the streets.
About a year and a half ago I was reading a magazine and I noticed that in one of the ads the model wasn't wearing a belt. It struck my interest because every guy growing up has always been told that you're supposed to match your belt to your shoes and that if your pants have belt loops then a belt is required. Well, some rules are meant to be bent. I gave it a try and haven't worn a belt since.

The cool thing about this look is that it simplifies your dress attire and gives you a much cleaner appearance. A dress slack has a very minimal waist line that doesn't reveal any obtrusive buttons or clips, so instead of having a belt break up your pants and shirt, there's a clean flow from top to bottom.
This look requires a well-tailored trouser that has NO PLEATS. Pleats are only useful if your daily routine involves roundhouse kicking people in the face, so you don't fall into that category then lose them! Belts are useful for keeping poor fitting pants from falling, so if you took my advice from my "How to" post, you should have no problem pulling this look off.
Personal style is all about trying new things and wearing pieces that express your personality, even if you're wearing a suit. The simplest things can make all the difference, so take a risk, what's the worst that can happen? Besides, why would you want to look like everyone else?
Stay Tailored